Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Finger Painting Pictures!! Jane Knight

Ok, I finally took some quick shots for the blog. Here are a few of the pieces I have been working on....

All works are for sale just comtact me at

Monday, August 18, 2008


Don't forget to check out my Finger Paintings at the following venues:

Hubbard and Cravens Coffee Shop 49th and Penn
IHS Medical Center - Regions Building 96th & Meridian
Marion Co Central Library - Downtown Indianapolis

and of course what is left in my Studio at the Stutz!

More Updates

Thanks to High Life Events for a fun class on Thursday night. Also, Thanks to Genesis for a FABULOUS Open House On Friday 8/15. What a success! I believe I will have full classes for my Finger Painting workshops in Oct.

I Finger Painted a Tuscan Landscape demo and the response was tremendous! Thanks also goes out to the couple who purchased the Tuscan Window Box. I hope you and your friends were able to enjoy it while reminiscing your trip to Tuscany!

I promise to post some pics soon of all the work I have been painting. It's that whole taking and downloading I seem to be somewhat lax at!

Sign up for the Finger painting classes at the Stutz or at Genesis soon as space my run out!

Cin Cin!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finger Painting Classes!!!!

Here is a list of where and when I will be teaching this fall.

Sept. 2-23 Tuesday Nights 630 - 830pm
Stutz Art Space at the Historic Stutz Building
$140 for the 4 nights includes supplies.
Adults and Children welcome
To enroll log onto

Nov 4, 11 and Dec 2 Tuesday Night Workshops 630-830pm
Stutz Art Space
$50 per person -supplies included
Adults and children welcome
Nov 4, Tuscan Window Box
Nov 11, Monet water lilies
Dec 2 , Flower Garden
To enroll log onto

Genesis Art Academy Aug 15th
demo for the grand opening 6pm
Classes to be announced.

Busy summer!

Sorry folks I have been plein air painting for the last few weeks and have not been able to update the blog!!! I have so many things happening this month and heading into fall. If you are interested in taking finger painting classes please note the next post with all of the dates and locations!