Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorry I have been away so long!

Hey friends sorry I have been gone for so long but much has been happening!  I have several events to let you in on so please sign up or come out to any of the following events.

Oct 22 and 29th: Finger Painting workshops at Genesis Art Academy: 630-830pm.  You will be painting the Tuscan Window Box on the 22nd and the Water Lilies 29th.

Nov. 13th Thursday: Finger Painting workshop at Ceramic Dreams 630-830pm.  You will be painting the Purple Hydrangeas

Nov 4, 11 and Dec 2nd: Stutz Art Space Finger Painting Workshops: 630-830pm Tuscan Window Box, Flower Field and Water Lilies respectively.

I also have Girls night and private class time available just call or email for dates and times.

Nov. 7th, Friday 5-9pm is the Spirit in Conversation Show at the Stutz Art Space in conjunction with Spirit and Place Festival.  

Nov 21st, Friday 5-9pm is the Holiday Show at the Stutz.  Join me for some great fun and early Holiday shopping!  I will have alot of mini's to choose from also!

I will try not to stay away for so long and will post some new art soon!