Friday, July 18, 2014

Wawasse ! AND An Open House!

What a fabulous weekend for a plein air paint out!  While it did rain on Saturday it did not stop me from painting! Thanks to my lovely hosts Dave, Julie, Drew, Eve, John, Nick and Noelle.  I have some new collectors too!  Thanks Kim, Jennifer, Trina and Barb for your purchases.  I can't wait to see pics of the paintings in your home.  Looking forward to the next one in 2015.

Now for the Open House Aug 1st.  Back in 2007 I was struggling with my art. I had just returned from Italy and struggling to paint.  I had forgotten about my inquiries at the Stutz for a studio when Anne called.  "I have a couple of studios available if you are still interested" WOW! SO I checked them out and chose D285 (yes I know I could have picked the one on the third floor).  My move in date was Aug 1st 2007.  This was also the same time I discovered finger painting.  BIG changes in my life, career and painting.  I looked around and thought how will I ever fill these walls?  Will people find me?  IS this the right move?  Well, God and all of you helped to answer that question! YES! 
So as I begin another year at the Stutz in D285 my walls and hall are FULL of work ready for your home or office.  Come join me First Friday Aug 1st 12pm-8pm for a celebration of success you have provided. THANKS and See you there!

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